Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A Helping Hand for Sustainable Efforts

What is a business to do when they are ready to embrace sustainability initiatives yet have no idea where to begin? The GA Department of Natural Resources Sustainability Division is ready, willing and able to assist for FREE(!). Support comes in the form of the Division's staff and their mentor program of companies with successful environmental practices. Along with personalized assistance, the Division provides educational and networking opportunities throughout the year.

Note the Division was instrumental in the Zero Waste Zone launch and remains a foundational support system for the program.

To join the program, click here. This is copy from the Sustainability Division website:

The Sustainability Division provides free and confidential environmental assistance to business in pollution prevention, waste reduction, water and energy efficiency, and sustainability. We...
  • Are a non-regulatory division of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources.

  • Promote and recognize environmental leadership and performance through the Partnership for a Sustainable Georgia.

  • Work with any business with any type of waste or resource issue, including air, water, wastewater, and solid waste.

  • Provide networking opportunities with regulatory and industry leaders to share ideas and craft solutions.

  • Foster environmental leadership and seek to establish a conservation ethic in Georgia.

We are proud to support Conserve Georgia and provide all Georgia organizations with resources to help them create a culture of conservation.

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