Sunday, November 20, 2011

2011: An Amazing Year for Ei

What a phenomenal year!  For Elemental Impact 2011 was filled with national speaking engagements, new partnerships, major ACTION and much more.  On November 16, Ei Sponsors and Advisory Council members traveled from around  the country for the powerful annual meeting at HLB Gross Collins' offices.

Scott, Holly& Chris with the
2011 Going Green Airport Award

After introductions and the 2011 overview, Zero Waste Zones Director Susan Montgomery gave a ZWZ update including the detailed program documentation.  Susan passed around a book filled with recruiting documents from the ZWZ Ambassador program, training PPT presentation and the packet used in national expansion meetings.  Additionally, the ZWZ information was moved from the Ei website into its own website mid year.

The "packaging" of the ZWZ was a perfect segue for Chris Moyer, National Restaurant Association ConSERVE Project Director, to present on the ZWZ evolution into Sustainable Action Zones,  a NRA program in partnership with Ei.   Chris spoke on the powerful synergies inherent within the NRA | Ei partnership and how it brings forth important collaborations.  One such collaboration is with the U.S. Composting Council.
Chris Moyer presenting to full room

Wayne King, USCC Past President, spoke about the upcoming December 12 meeting at the NRA offices.   With only approximately 350 permitted composting sites nationwide, the NRA's political voice is critical. For many of the current permitting challenges to resolve, regulators must hear the major post-consumer organics generators are demanding an alternative destination to landfills.  The industry is on the cusp of making an evolutionary leap and the NRA, in collaboration with the USCC, has a vital role to play.

The USCC | NRA collaboration was an excellent preface for Scott Seydel, Ei Chair & Global Green Chair, to discuss POWER - Perishable Organics Waste to Energy Recycling - status.  In addition, to his impressive PPT on the planned POWER website, Scott spoke of POWER's important role and how it served as an incubator for GREASE - Grease Recycling Energy Alternatives Solutions for the Environment  and the Sustainable Food Court Initiative.

Linda Dunn
Ei Founder Holly Elmore gave the SFCI overview including the 2011 Going Green Airport Award for the Atlanta Airport pilot (see the ZWZ Blog post, Atlanta Airport SFCI Pilot Wins National Award, for details). Linda Dunn, HMSHost VP Supply Chain & Analysis, followed with the important role HMSHost plays in the SFCI Projects, including work at the Tampa & Charlotte Airports.  How empowering to listen as Linda explains the SFCI | ZWZ (and NRA | Ei) collaboration is integral to HMSHost's sustainability commitment and game plan.

After the mid afternoon break, Susan Montgomery presented the Ei Business Projections followed by Sylvia Gort, Ei AC member, leading the strategy session.  Future action paths on Toxic-Free Environments and Health Impact were discussed along with the important role social media can play in communicating Ei's important ACTION.

Ei AC Members Sylvia Gort &
Greg Chafee @ reception
As always, Ei meetings begin with a wonderful lunch and end with a wine reception.  Thank you Bold American Catering for your Ei sponsorship and providing excellent food & service.

The Ei FB album, 11-16-11 Ei Sponsor & AC Meeting, gives a meeting pictorial overview.  Meeting PPT presentations will be loaded on the Ei Speaking Engagements page.

Thank you to those who contribute their resources, financial, time and expertise, to Elemental Impact - you are the reason for Ei program success.  Our important work is educating the corporate community that sustainable operating practices make solid business sense. These are thrilling times - stay tuned!

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