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Monday, June 24, 2024

LAI FL Suncoast Pursues Formal Chapter Status

On Thursday, June 13, Lambda Alpha International (LAI) FL Suncoast Chapter underdevelopment hosted their third official meeting at the Gulf Coast Community Foundation (GCCF) offices. Thanks to the GCCF's generous sponsorship, the event was open to LAI members and prospective members at no charge. The meeting ended with a lovely reception that was much appreciated by the attendees.

Inducted LAI FL Suncoast members
Pictured from left to right: Jon, Ray,
Katie, and Kevin
Photo courtesy of Holly Elmore Images
GCCF SVP Community Investment Jon Thaxton gave an excellent presentation on Affordable Housing: There are Simple Solutions. With affordable housing a national and global crisis, it was important to share the local housing scenario, learn about successes and projects underdevelopment, and understand the magnitude and implications of the housing crisis.

Prior to the program, four new LAI FL Suncoast members – Jon , Stantec Project Manager, Planning Katie LaBarr, MSC Commercial Real Estate Advisor Kevin McQuaid, and Wetland Extend Landward Owner Ray Goldsby – were inducted by LAI members Holly Elmore, Elemental Impact (Ei) Founder & CEO, and John McCarthy, Selby Gardens VP for Regional History.

About LAI

LAI is the honorary global network for thought leaders 

in all fields related to the preservation and sustainable development of land.

LAI is a growing network of chapters in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Europe and Asia. Each chapter offers a wide variety of programs with industry leaders, discussion forums, community service projects and networking events.

Membership is highly selective through a nomination process initiated by an LAI member. Nominees for LAI membership must demonstrate ten or more years of experience in their fields, professional distinction, and outstanding contributions to the community in their field of endeavor.

LAI is committed to excellence and high professional standards to make a difference. A value to members is knowing you are someone who helped make that difference.

LAI FL Suncoast History
When she returned to her hometown Sarasota, FL in 2021, then a LAI Executive Committee-member and former LAI Atlanta Chapter Board member Holly immediately began nominating local environmental leadership as LAI At-Large members. A prestigious group of LAI At-Large members formed.

In February 2023, the LAI group orchestrated the impressive Coastal Water Quality: challenges, solutions, and economic impact global LAI webinar; LAI Suncoast members Dave Tomasko, Sarasota Bay Estuary Program Executive Director, Jon , Christine Johnson, Conservation Foundation of the Gulf Coast President, and Sandy Gilbert, Solutions to Avoid Red Tide Chair, were the esteemed webinar panelists.

LAI invested in developing a LAI FL Suncoast Chapter in late 2023 and hosted an impressive inaugural meeting in November at the Nathan Benderson Park Finish Tower. The IMPACT article, The Power of LAI Comes to Florida!, showcases the excellent event where 13 LAI Suncoast members were inducted. LAI President Kathy King traveled from Los Angeles and LAI Past President, LAI Fellow, and New Chapter Development Chair Steven R Gragg from El Paso, Texas to support the underdevelopment chapter. 

On April 25, LAI FL Suncoast hosted a second successful meeting at Grove Restaurant located in Lakewood Ranch (LRW) where LWR SVP Laura Cole gave a superb, intriguing presentation. Four new LAI FL Suncoast members were inducted by LAI VP Craig Binning who traveled from Toronto for the event. The IMPACT article, Shining Stars: Lakewood Ranch and LAI FL Suncoast!, gives an overview of the empowering meeting. 

Affordable Housing
With animated remarks and anecdotes, John introduced his long-time colleague and friend Jon for his Affordable Housing presentation at the June 13 LAI FL Suncoast meeting.

Jon speaking
Photo courtesy of Holly Elmore Images
In his opening commentary, Jon emphasized that the Affordable Housing (AH) crisis is not new: the crisis emerged back in the 1960/70's. The general rule is housing costs should not exceed 30% of the household's combined income. In Sarasota County, 60,000 households are cost burdened by spending 40% on housing costs, and 18,000 spend over 50%. 

It is important to view the crisis from a supply-and-demand perspective. The local marketplace is strong at the higher-income brackets due to balanced supply and demand. Yet severe market-driven consequences exist due to the demand exceeding the supply in lower-income housing.

As a member of the Sarasota County Affordable Housing Advisory Council (AHAC,) Jon reviewed the fifteen AHAC recommendations. Some of the recommendations include expedite permitting, modify impact fees, allow for flexible densities, locate housing near transportation hubs and major employment centers, and access to available land.

Jon suggested that large, dormant shopping centers could segue into AH options. For potential funding sources, Jon recommended the creation of an AH Trust Fund and/or an extra penny surtax.

As a popular tourist and retirement destination, the Suncoast community boasts a thriving hospitality community, including an impressive array of restaurants, lodging options, cultural venues, and retail outlets. Additionally, the community is home to medical facilities, police and fire departments, and other support services. Many of the associated employees are hourly labor that rely on public transportation to arrive at work and are burdened by high housing costs.

Housing is a necessity, not a luxury.

Mark speaking
Photo courtesy of Holly Elmore Images
After Jon’s excellent presentation, One Stop Housing (OSP) Managing Director Mark Vengroff gave a spontaneous presentation on their innovative solutions for affordable housing. OSP developed a sustainable, profitable AH business model that focuses on reduced building and maintenance costs while building quality housing. 

Reduced building costs are derived mainly from volume discounts; reduced maintenance costs are often via an investment in start-up costs for tenant-owned service providers. As part of the investment agreement, the business must provide OSP with 10 - 15% discounted services in perpetuity.

It was unanimously decided to forego the formal Q&A session and segue into the awaiting reception where discussions continued in an informal setting.

The Holly Elmore Images photo-gallery, 06-13-24 LAI FL Suncoast Meeting, gives a pictorial recap of the well-attended meeting.

Next Horizons
With the June 13 LAI-member inductions, LAI FL Suncoast met the threshold of a minimum-20 members to pursue a chapter charter. Under the guidance of LAI New Chapter Development Chair Steve Gragg, the LAI FL Suncoast leadership team will pursue the necessary steps to secure a chapter charter over the summer 

If approved, the LAI FL Suncoast Chapter will receive its charter at the Annual LAI Gathering this October in Phoenix. The synergies and support are strong within the Sarasota-Bradenton community and with LAI Global leadership. Thus, the prospect of a LAI FL Suncoast Chapter is promising.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Shining Stars: Lakewood Ranch and LAI Suncoast!

LAI inductees with Craig
photo courtesy of Holly Elmore Images
On Thursday, April 25, the Lambda Alpha International (LAI) Suncoast Chapter underdevelopment hosted its second official event at Grove Restaurant located in one of Lakewood Ranch's (LWR) three town centers. LAI VP Craig Binning traveled from Toronto to attend the meeting, educate on the value of LAI membership, and induct four new members. 

Since 2018 LWR consistently ranks the top performing multi-generational community in the nation; thus, LWC was a perfect location for the LAI Suncoast meeting.

About LAI

LAI is the honorary global network for thought leaders 
in all fields related to the preservation and sustainable development of land.

LAI is a growing network of chapters in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Europe and Asia. Each chapter offers a wide variety of programs with industry leaders, discussion forums, community service projects and networking events.

Membership is highly selective through a nomination process initiated by an LAI member. Nominees for LAI membership must demonstrate ten or more years of experience in their fields, professional distinction, and outstanding contributions to the community in their field of endeavor.

LAI is committed to excellence and high professional standards to make a difference. A value to members is knowing you are someone who helped make that difference.

LAI Suncoast History
In November 2023, LAI President Kathy King traveled from Los Angeles and LAI Past President, LAI Fellow, and New Chapter Development Chair Steven R Gragg from El Paso, Texas to support the underdevelopment chapter. Over their three-day Sarasota visit, a total of 13 new LAI members were inducted with several in individual ceremonies.

New LAI member John McCarthy hosted
Kathy & Steve at Spanish Point Preserve.
pictured left to right: Mary Dougherty, 
John, Kathy and Steve.
photo courtesy of Holly Elmore Images
The impressive November 28 inaugural LAI Suncoast event hosted at the Nathan Benderson Park Finish Tower event facility was attended by 40-plus LAI members as well as prospective new members. As the event keynote speaker, MOTE Marine CEO Dr. David Crosby shared MOTE Marine's history, dynamic impact, and the status of the MOTE Aquarium under construction. The event facility overlooked the MOTE Aquarium construction site.

The Holly Elmore Images (HEI) album, LAI Suncoast Event, showcases the November 28 event while the LAI Suncoast Tours, Meetings, and Inductions album chronicles the plethora of activities during Steve and Kathy's three-day Sarasota visit. 

For additional LAI Suncoast history, visit The IMPACT article, The Power of LAI Comes to Florida, for a recap of the chapter-development history, including an overview of the February 2023 Coastal Water Quality: challenges, solutions, and economic impact global webinar; LAI Suncoast members Dave Tomasko, Sarasota Bay Estuary Program Executive Director, Jon Thaxton, Gulf Coast Community Foundation SVP Community Investment, Christine Johnson, Conservation Foundation of the Gulf Coast President, and Sandy Gilbert, Solutions to Avoid Red Tide Chair, were the esteemed webinar panelists.

Lakewood Ranch*
LWR SVP Laura Cole gave a superb keynote presentation at the April 25 LAI Suncoast evening event on Lakewood Ranch: Past, Present, and Future. Per Laura's PPT presentation, Schroeder-Manatee Ranch (SMR) is the parent company of Lakewood Ranch, a 33,000+ acre master-planned community located in Manatee and Sarasota Counties in Southwest Florida.

Laura at the podium
photo courtesy of Holly Elmore Images
Assembled in the early 1900's for lumber and resin by John Schroeder, SMR was purchased in 1922 by the Uihlein Family, original owners of Schlitz Brewing Company, and used for small-scale agriculture and hunting into the 1960's. In the 1970's and 80's, land use extended to shell mining, cattle ranching, and citrus farming. From 2008 - 2015, SMR was named one of Tropicana's top citrus growers based on fruit and load quality and quantity.

Even with the 1986 completion of the I-75 Tampa to Naples extension, SMR was viewed too far out for  long-range development purposes; city planners began targeting uses for SMR as an airport, landfill, and/or sewer plant. Rather than let short-sighted city planners decide upon their land's fate, SMR developed their own vision that capitalized on the nearby I-75 four exits. Via its proximity to I-75, LWR was destined to serve as a connector between the Tampa Bay Area and Sarasota and Manatee Counties.

Within the SMR Masterplan, lifestyle is the major focus with three cornerstones: environmental stewardship, water conservation, and financial strength and stability. Integral to the SMR Masterplan was maintaining SMR operations on the yet-to-be-developed land. Rather than retain it for revenue-generating purposes, SMR sold the land when development was complete.

Designed as a mixed-use, multi-generational, primary home community, the SMR visionary development is a huge success, and since 2018 is consistently ranked the top performing multi-generational community in the nation. Within the development, 40% of the land is dedicated to open space with parks and trails forming the connective tissue of the master plan.

In February 1994, LWR segued as the consumer-facing name for SMR. 

LWR at a Glance:

  • LWR Aerial View
    photo courtesy of LWR
    67 Residential Villages/Neighborhoods
    • Single Family, Condos, Active Adult & Age Restricted + Rental & Assisting Living
  • 29,187 Households
    • For-Sale & Rent
  • 70,820 Population
    • Based on Occupied Rental For-Sale & Rental
  • 49 Average Age
  • $142K Average Household Income
    • Median is $118k
  • 75% College Educated
    • 20% With Advanced Degrees
  • 5 Business Parks + 3 Town Centers (6M sqft)
    LWR Town Center Aerial View
    photo courtesy of LWR
    • 2,885 Businesses
    • 20,076 Employees
  • Education
    • 8 Public Schools (A-Rated)
    • 6 Private Schools (K-12)
    • 12 Pre-schools
    • 10 Colleges & Universities
  • Medical
    • Lakewood Ranch Medical Center
    • LECOM Medical Schools
  • Recreation & Civic
    • 150 Miles of Trails & Parks
    • Parks & Recreation Program
    • Premier Sports Campus
    • Lakewood Ranch Golf & Country Club
    • Sarasota Polo Club
    • Community Activities Corporation
    • LWR Community Fund
With 48,849 total residential units (for-sale and rental) 60% occupied, LWR is 60% through the build out of the residential program. The 2,885 businesses and 20,076 employed individuals constitute LWR as the largest job center in the region. LWR boasts nearly 6 million square feet of commercial, mixed-use space via its five business parks and three town centers. In the next decade, LWR's population is projected to exceed 115,000.

When Laura completed with her presentation, Ei Advisor and LAI Suncoast member Steve Suau gave an overview of the impressive sewer treatment plant and wetlands management projects in place at LWR.

LWR is a shining star for Sarasota and Manatee Counties!

* the LWR-section was extracted from Laura's presentation, with some copy verbatim. 

LAI Suncoast Induction Ceremony
After Laura, Craig took the podium to educate on the value of LAI membership to individuals and the community. Midway in his presentation, Craig invited LAI Chicago Chapter member John Lyons to share how LAI membership benefits him professionally; John traveled from his winter home in Naples to attend the meeting.

Craig with Jim after induction
photo courtesy of Holly Elmore Images
With his presentation complete, Craig formally inducted Jay Brady, Sylwia Majewski, Steve Majewski, and Jim Paulmann as LAI At-Large Members and future LAI Suncoast Chapter members, if and when the chapter is chartered.

Post meeting, the attendees enjoyed a reception sponsored by LAI New Chapter Development.

In the afternoon, prior to the evening event, Ei Founder & CEO and LAI At-Large member, Holly Elmore treated Craig to a short version of her well known Holly's SRQ Tour of the barrier islands off of Sarasota. During the reception, Laura requested to join a Holly's SRQ Tour - the answer was a BIG YES!!!

The HEI album, LAI Suncoast 04-25-24 Event, chronicles the meeting as well as Craig on his Holly's SRQ Tour.

Chapter Development
As of this article's publishing, LAI Suncoast boasts 21 members with many promising prospects. Two prospects who could not attend the April meeting registered for the Thursday, June 13 5:30 pm LAI Suncoast event; the Gulf Coast Community Foundation (GCCF) will host and sponsor the meeting, and LAI Suncoast member Jon Thaxton, GCCF SVP Community Investment, will speak on Affordable Housing: there are simple solutions.

With strong LAI Global support, the LAI Suncoast executive team will shift gears over the summer to address the administrative tasks involved within the chapter-charter process. The goal is to formally charter the LAI Suncoast Chapter at the 2024 LAI Land Economics Gathering hosted in Phoenix, AZ October 16 - 18.

In addition to Lakewood Ranch, LAI Suncoast is a shining star within Sarasota and Manatee Counties.


Tax-deductible donations in any amount are greatly appreciated to support Ei's important work. 


About Elemental Impact:
Elemental Impact (Ei) is a 501(c)3 non-profit founded in 2010 as the home to the Zero Waste Zones, the forerunner in the nation for the commercial collection of food waste for compost. In June 2017, Ei announced the Era of Recycling Refinement was Mission Accomplished and entered the Era of Regeneration. Current focus areas include Nature PrevailsSoil Health | Regenerative Agriculture, and Water Use | Toxicity.

The Regeneration in ACTION Magazine articles, From Organic Certification to Regenerative Agriculture to Rewilding Landscapes: an evolution towards soil integrity and SOIL & WATER: the foundation of life, published to explain and substantiate the importance of Ei’s rewilding urban landscapes work within the Nature Prevails focus area. What We Eat Matters is an emerging platform that intertwines within the three focus areas.

The Holly Elmore Images Rewilding Urban Landscapes-album folder documents two active pilots: the Native-Plant Landscape Pilot and the Backyard Permaculture-Oriented Pilot.

To work with industry leaders to create best regenerative operating practices where the entire value-chain benefits, including corporate bottom lines, communities, and the environment. Through education and collaboration, establish best practices as standard practices.

Ei’s tagline – Regeneration in ACTION – is the foundation for Ei endeavors.

The following mantra is at the core of Ei work:

Ei is a creator, an incubator.
Ei determines what could be done that is not being done and gets it done.
Ei brings the possible out of impossible.
Ei identifies pioneers and creates heroes.

For additional information, contact Holly Elmore at 404-510-9336 | 

Monday, April 22, 2024

My Photography Story: from an amateur to a professional

Photography was a calling that I resisted for decades. On three European adventures in the 1990's, I took a maximum of six photos via the then popular disposable, point-and-shoot cameras and never developed an image. Yet, in 2009 as my dear father edged towards his final breaths, I succumbed to the profound calling and purchased a Nikon point-and-shoot camera; this one was durable, not disposable.

My father loved photography and always strongly encouraged me to pick up the camera as a companion. I knew Dad's spirit would brighten as his outer light faded if I embraced a camera. On my final visit, my frail father happily set-up my point-and-shoot camera and gave me ample tips.

Dad in 1939 with his 
35 mm Argus camera
As a youth in the economically fragile 1930's, Dad supplemented the family finances as a professional photographer with a dark room in the house. In WWII, Dad was a bomber pilot stationed in Italy; on a fateful mission, he navigated his injured plane out of formation, dodged German fighter planes, and landed the plane in a remote airstrip two miles into Russian territory. On the six-week trek back to Italy, Dad traded his silk parachute for a camera. Framed images from his WWII sojourn decorate my home.

As my trusted business advisor, my father somewhat sternly told me that my non-profit work was profound and to methodically document it. I knew Dad was referring to written and visual documentation, and I took his advice to heart. Shortly thereafter, Dad was my advisor via heavenly whispers as his physical essence retreated to ashes.

My mother tells me that my paternal grandfather George Elmore was the founder of the Indiana Photography Society. Though research does not validate it, I choose to retain the statement as family history. Thus, photography was infused within my DNA and destined to envelope my spirit with unbridled passion intertwined with Divine guidance.

Divine Guidance

2011 Peachtree Road Race
On July 4, 2011, the Angels strongly beckoned me to arise at daybreak to capture the lead runners in the Peachtree Road Race; at the time, I lived one building away from the two-mile mark on the course. 

It was surreal as I intuitively knew exactly what to do: 1> adjusted my camera settings, 2> found my focal point between two ladies across the road, 3> simply clicked away as the solo lead runners flew past me, and 4> turned to the right for front captures as the runners came by in couples. Oh my, there were several AMAZING images of in-air runners taken with my point-and-shoot camera! I felt my inner-photographer introduce herself.

On a whim in October 2011, I purchased a Nikon Coolpix 500 camera. The following day, I went out for a long walk with my new camera. At the neighborhood Duck Pond, a baby squirrel ran over to me, stood at my feet with a look that stated "I finally found YOU!," and climbed up my pant leg to my pockets. Then, I realized that I had not yet taken a photo with the new camera. As a child, my father had a pet squirrel Chuffy, and I knew my father was present via the baby squirrel for the first photos.

First photo with my Coolpix 500
By 2013, it was evident that photography was integral to my personal and professional lives. Thus, my mother gifted me $2,000 to purchase a camera; I had no idea of the how, what, and where related to a camera purchase. On November 27, I found an $1,800 Nikon D7100 camera kit at Costco and purchased it. On January 3, 2014, I found the nerve to open the box while visiting Mom in Sarasota, Florida; I knew that my life would forever change once the box was open. On my first adventure with the D7100, my feathered friends at the local bait shop put on a show; one of those framed images hangs in my living room.

Months later I realized the importance of January 3: it was my parents' wedding anniversary! My father gifted me the photography DNA and my mother with quality equipment.

Steep Learning Curve
With a new DSLR (digital single-lens reflex,) I embarked on the steep learning curve on how to understand and use my camera. Initially, I joined the local camera store's 101 through 301 in-person classes. Often, I was near tears while learning the camera trilogy: ISO, aperture, and shutter speed.

Pre-dawn image at the
Smokey Mountains workshop
Later that year I graduated from the kit lens to a 24-70 mm, f/2.8 lens and joined a weekend photography workshop in Charleston to learn about the lens. As the year closed, I added a 70-200 mm, f/2.8 lens to my repertoire and immediately attended a workshop in the Smokey Mountains. The workshops were an immersion in shooting technique utilizing the upgraded lenses.

By 2017, I was adept with my in-camera techniques, and it was time to develop my post-processing skills. Thus, I joined the KelbyOne platform that offers a plethora of Adobe Creative Cloud - Lightroom and Photoshop - online courses. 

Continuing education is paramount to my photography journey; content vacillates between in-the-field skills and post-processing techniques. In the recent years, Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology within editing platforms catapulted processing efficiency and creativity into expanded dimensions. KelbyOne on-lines courses and workshops are a perfect avenue to embrace the new technology available.

Another steep learning curve was organizing and launching the Holly Elmore Images (HEI) website. I chose SmugMug as the website host due to their templated site format and excellent on-line customer support.

Documentary Skills
Along with my budding photography prowess, writing segued into a prominent professional focus as I embraced photojournalism and documentary photography. Recognizing the value of these skills, the  Zero Waste Business Council declared Elemental Impact (Ei,) my environmental non-profit, the official media partner for the organization as well as their well-attended national conference during their five-year tenure, 2011- 2016.

Edited photos were first organized in Ei FB albums and later in the Ei Gallery series within the HEI website. Albums support Regeneration in ACTION and The IMPACT Magazine articles that document Ei's important work; there are over 500 published albums with individual photos supported by a detailed description.

In May 2018, I presented on Creating Your Legacy: making an impact with your photography at the 2018 Phlorographers Unite workshop hosted in Denver, CO. The HEI Making an Impact with Photography video served as an intro to my presentation.

For eight years, I traveled to Chicago for a week in May to attend the National Restaurant Association (NRA) Show, at times as a speaker. Each visit, I spent time at Navy Pier and photographed the lighthouse off the end of the pier. It was empowering to witness the improvement in the captures, first from upgraded equipment and later from enhanced post-processing skills.

On my final NRA Show Chicago visit in 2016, I tripped on a sidewalk curb and headed for a full-frontal splat on the pavement. Fortunately, my camera was in my right hand, and I pulled it into my chest to brace the fall. Thus, my trusted camera and 90 mm lens saved me from serious injuries. 

Acting quickly, I called the Atlanta camera store to order a replacement camera and lens for an overnight shipment. Since I listed the entire $1,800 camera kit as the insurance value for the D7100, I upgraded to a full-frame D750 camera for a mere $100. The following day I was out shooting the gorgeous spring tulips on Michigan Avenue with my new camera. 

Fingertip Press
The Fingertip Press is my nomenclature for published articles, documents, and other written communication.

Initial published articles were in national trade-association publications. In 2017, Southern Farm & Garden (SF&G) magazine, distributed nationally in Whole Foods and Barnes & Noble in addition to their impressive subscription base, contacted me to publish articles on Ei-related topics; the first article in the fall 2017 issue was a seven-page, multiple-article feature, An Icon in Sustainability and Hickory Grove Farm: Regenerative Agriculture Revives Soils & Local Ecosystems. For the 2018 spring issue, my neighborhood-garden photo was the wrap cover and included the Restoring Pollinator Populations article.

During the pandemic, I published my first photo-article book, From Macro to Micro to Nanoplastics, an excerpt from the October 2019 Plastics: a double-edged sword article; the Blueberries: from blossoms to fruit, a Fingertip Press snippet story, published shortly thereafter.

The Fingertip Press page details the plethora of national-print media, Ei digital and print books, online magazines, documentary work, industry publications, and industry documents.

Investment in Professional Photography
In late 2023, I decided to invest in my professional photography and signed up for the KelbyOne VIP platform. Approximately, 125 astute photographers from across the globe participate in the VIP platform. In late May, VIP members are invited to a two-day retreat at KelbyOne's Tampa-area studios.

Backyard loquats edited
with an artistic flair
More than a financial investment, Scott Kelby and Erik Kuna orchestrate three monthly educational sessions that include a homework assignment. 

A first assignment was to determine what photography genre best aligns with my style and passion. Several months later while working on on another homework project, I realized that I am a photojournalist and documentary photographer. 

Though I have ample travel images, I do not travel to photograph; I photograph when I travel, usually for business. Nature photography is prominent in my repertoire; yet, since returning to Sarasota in 2021 most of my nature images document the Ei Rewilding Urban Landscapes Pilots that reside in my front and backyards.

Another early assignment was to develop a unique, consistent photography style. Utilizing the ON1 Effects plug-in for Lightroom powered by AI technology, I gave myself permission to segue into a creative, artistic style. It was empowering to witness my photography evolve from basic documentary images and into artwork. During a VIP photo review, Scott and Erik validated my efforts with their compliments on my artistic-image series; due to my intentional consistency, Erik mentioned it was evident that the same photographer produced the images.

The March assignment was to launch an online portfolio site. After two solid weeks of sifting through images, re-editing earlier photos, deciding upon the seven galleries, writing the About- and Fingertip Press-page copy, and loading up images and text to the SlickPic site, my site was ready for the designers. I selected the SlickPic Bespoke plan where they design the site via feedback from the photographer.

On March 21, the Holly Elmore Images Portfolio site launched; it was a milestone in my professional life. A VIP benefit is a one-on-one portfolio review by either Scott or Erik.

Cuban fishing boats in the
Havana Bay
For April, the assignment is to publish a photo book, which I accomplished in 2020. Thus, I decided to publish a coffee-table book featuring my 2017-Cuba-Cruise images. For two weeks, I sifted through my images from Santiago de Cuba, Havana, Cien Fuego, and captures while at sea. 

Though I am pleased with the photo quality, my editing skills significantly improved since 2017 and images required additional post-processing. The copy is essentially written in the Cuba: rich in spirit, history, and restoration article as well as in the Holly Elmore Images Cuba gallery series; in the series, each gallery includes an intro and individual photos are complete with a description. Book publication is on my docket when time allows.

It is 15 years since I purchased the Nikon point-and-shoot camera to brighten my dear father's spirit. Though not as often or as pronounced, Dad remains present with me as I delve deeper into the realms of professional photography. Thanks to my investment in the KelbyOne VIP platform, I now stand in my power as a professional photographer.


Tax-deductible donations in any amount are greatly appreciated to support Ei's important work. 


About Elemental Impact:
Elemental Impact (Ei) is a 501(c)3 non-profit founded in 2010 as the home to the Zero Waste Zones, the forerunner in the nation for the commercial collection of food waste for compost. In June 2017, Ei announced the Era of Recycling Refinement was Mission Accomplished and entered the Era of Regeneration. Current focus areas include Nature PrevailsSoil Health | Regenerative Agriculture, and Water Use | Toxicity.

The Regeneration in ACTION Magazine articles, From Organic Certification to Regenerative Agriculture to Rewilding Landscapes: an evolution towards soil integrity and SOIL & WATER: the foundation of life, published to explain and substantiate the importance of Ei’s rewilding urban landscapes work within the Nature Prevails focus area. What We Eat Matters is an emerging platform that intertwines within the three focus areas.

The Holly Elmore Images Rewilding Urban Landscapes-album folder documents two active pilots: the Native-Plant Landscape Pilot and the Backyard Permaculture-Oriented Pilot.

To work with industry leaders to create best regenerative operating practices where the entire value-chain benefits, including corporate bottom lines, communities, and the environment. Through education and collaboration, establish best practices as standard practices.

Ei’s tagline – Regeneration in ACTION – is the foundation for Ei endeavors.

The following mantra is at the core of Ei work:

Ei is a creator, an incubator.
Ei determines what could be done that is not being done and gets it done.
Ei brings the possible out of impossible.
Ei identifies pioneers and creates heroes.

For additional information, contact Holly Elmore at 404-510-9336 |

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

The Power of LAI comes to Florida!

LAI Induction Ceremony
Photo courtesy of Holly Elmore Images
On Tuesday, November 28, 2023 the underdevelopment Lambda Alpha International (LAI) Suncoast Chapter hosted their inaugural meeting at the Nathan Benderson Park (NBP) Finish Tower. NBP is an internationally renowned rowing facility, known as one of the top three facilities in the world.

 About LAI

LAI is the honorary global network for thought leaders in all fields related to the preservation and sustainable development of land.

LAI is a growing network of chapters in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Europe and Asia. Each chapter offers a wide variety of programs with industry leaders, discussion forums, community service projects and networking events.

Membership is highly selective through a nomination process initiated by an LAI member. Nominees for LAI membership must demonstrate ten or more years of experience in their fields, professional distinction, and outstanding contributions to the community in their field of endeavor.

LAI is committed to excellence and high professional standards to make a difference. A value to members is knowing you are someone who helped make that difference.

Suncoast Chapter (underdevelopment) History
In December 2013, Elemental Impact (Ei) Founder & CEO Holly Elmore was inducted into membership and served on the LAI Atlanta Chapter Board.  As the International Assistant Communications Director, Holly serves on the LAI Global Executive Committee.

After residing in Atlanta for 40 years. Holly returned to her hometown, Sarasota, Florida in 2021. With no current chapter in Florida, Holly established an environmental Leadership Group (LG) of At-Large LAI members.

LAI Suncoast Leadership Group

Steve @ Siesta #1 Beach sign
Photo courtesy of Holly Elmore Images
Established in late 2021, the LG consists of prominent environmental leaders in the Sarasota area with a stated commitment to the economic impact of water quality on the region. Located on the Central Florida Gulf of Mexico (Gulf) Coast, Sarasota is a gem in The Sunshine State. 

With amazing barrier-island beaches (Siesta Key was named #1 beach in the U.S. by TripAdvisor,) and lovely intracoastal waterways, Sarasota's economy is water-quality based and driven by tourism.

Below are the LG members:

  • Bridgett Luther, Table2Farms Founder & Visionary
  • Charles Reith, Ph.D, Suncoast Urban Reforesters Founder
  • Christine Johnson, Conservation Foundation of the Gulf Coast President
  • Dave Tomasko, Ph,D, Sarasota Bay Estuary Foundation Executive Director
  • Holly Elmore, Ei Founder & CEO
  • Jan Pitchford, Sarasota Office Department Administrator at Shumaker, Loop & Kendrick, LLP
  • Jane Grandbouche, Chair The Jane Family Foundation
  • John McCarthy, V.P. for Regional History at Marie Selby Botanical Gardens
  • Jon Thaxton, Gulf Coast Community Foundation SVP for Community Investment
  • Mary Anne Bowie, FAICP, Retired & Universal Unitarian Green Team Chair
  • Mary Dougherty, Gulf Coast Builders Exchange Executive Director
  • Sandy Gilbert, Solutions to Avoid Red Tide (START) Chair
  • Steve Suau, Consultant with Carbon Life LLC
  • Tim Rumage, Ringling College of Art & Design Professor of Environmental Studies

LG members, along with their respective headshots and bios, are listed on the Ei LG page.

As shared by Christine, the poignant quote by Luna Leopold sets the theme for the LG:

The health of our waters depends upon how well we live on the land

The LG members are committed to action via projects, education, and collaboration within the Sarasota community; initial focus is on the Sarasota Bay-water quality including prevention of contaminants flowing from the land and cleansing pollutants within the water.

Coastal-Water Quality: challenges, solutions, and economic impact
With tourism a major regional economic driver, it is imperative to retain the pristine status of the region's barrier-island beaches, the bays and estuaries, the Gulf, and inland water-oriented recreation areas. 

Ei orchestrated an impressive February 17, 2023 LAI Coastal-Water Quality: Challenges, Solutions, and Economic Impact Global Webinar. The global webinar was the second program in an eighteen-month series about water and land economics around the globe hosted by the LAI Global Water Group.

LAI LG Members shared on global-coastal-water challenges along with the economic impact to the local and regional communities. With a well-orchestrated plan, via the Water-Quality Playbook, community organizations execute programs designed to prevent water contamination from land use and to cleanse contaminates in the water.

The Sarasota Bay Report Card documents achievements and remaining challenging scenarios. Teamwork is required for success with support provided by local, state, and federal governments as well as the community (foundations and taxpayers.)

Panelists included:

  • David Tomasko, Ph.D
  • Jon Thaxton
  • Christine Johnson
  • Sandy Gilbert

Sarasota ROCKS when it comes to water-quality commitments; after all, the local economy and way of life depend on healthy waters!

Watch the webinar recording on LAI TV to learn about Sarasota’s successful collaborative water-quality projects and programs; the Regeneration in ACTION (RiA) Magazine article, Coastal-Water Quality: Challenges, Solutions, and Economic Impact, provides an in-depth synopsis of the webinar content; panelist PPT presentations are available for download within the article copy.

The RiA article, Coastal Water Quality: land-based activity determines the quality & related economic impact, showcases many of the impressive water-quality initiatives accomplished and in-process by LG members.

LAI Global Chapter Development Support
With the prestigious membership and above-mentioned accomplishments, LAI Global Leadership committed to support and invest in the development of a formal LAI Suncoast Chapter.

A profound meeting ended 
with a group photo

Photo courtesy of Holly Elmore Images

LAI President Kathy King traveled from Los Angeles and LAI Past President, LAI Fellow, and New Chapter Development Chair Steven R Gragg from El Paso, Texas to support the underdevelopment chapter. Over their three-day Sarasota visit, a total of 13 new LAI members were inducted with several in individual ceremonies.

The impressive November 28 event was attended by 40-plus LG members as well as potential new members. As the event keynote speaker, MOTE Marine CEO Dr. David Crosby shared MOTE Marine's history, dynamic impact, and the status of the MOTE Aquarium under construction. The Finish Tower event facility overlooked the MOTE Aquarium construction site.

After Dr. Crosby's keynote presentation, Steve gave an intro to LAI followed by the member-induction ceremony. Kathy presented each inductee with their LAI-member certificate in a leather-bound case.

The Holly Elmore Images album, LAI Suncoast Chapter (underdevelopment) Event, showcases the November 28 event while the LAI Suncoast Tours, Meetings, and Inductions album chronicles the plethora of activities during Steve and Kathy's three-day Sarasota visit. 

Chapter Development
With LAI Global support and guidance, the Suncoast LG will expand membership to include esteemed  professionals in the multitude of land economics professions. Additionally, at least quarterly, the LG will host a social-networking event, meeting, and/or tour for existing and potential new members. 

Once the Suncoast LG meets the established chapter-development protocol, LAI will charter a Suncoast Chapter and continue to support the young chapter. It is thrilling to bring "The Power of LAI" to the Florida Central Gulf Coast!


Tax-deductible donations in any amount are greatly appreciated to support Ei's important work. 


About Elemental Impact:
Elemental Impact (Ei) is a 501(c)3 non-profit founded in 2010 as the home to the Zero Waste Zones, the forerunner in the nation for the commercial collection of food waste for compost. In June 2017, Ei announced the Era of Recycling Refinement was Mission Accomplished and entered the Era of Regeneration. Current focus areas include Nature PrevailsSoil Health | Regenerative Agriculture, and Water Use | Toxicity.

The Regeneration in ACTION Magazine articles, From Organic Certification to Regenerative Agriculture to Rewilding Landscapes: an evolution towards soil integrity and SOIL & WATER: the foundation of life, published to explain and substantiate the importance of Ei’s rewilding urban landscapes work within the Nature Prevails focus area.

The Holly Elmore Images Rewilding Urban Landscapes-album folder documents two active pilots: the Native-Plant Landscape Pilot and the Backyard Permaculture-Oriented Pilot.

To work with industry leaders to create best regenerative operating practices where the entire value-chain benefits, including corporate bottom lines, communities, and the environment. Through education and collaboration, establish best practices as standard practices.

Ei’s tagline – Regeneration in ACTION – is the foundation for Ei endeavors.

The following mantra is at the core of Ei work:

Ei is a creator, an incubator.
Ei determines what could be done that is not being done and gets it done.
Ei brings the possible out of impossible.
Ei identifies pioneers and creates heroes.

For additional information, contact Holly Elmore at 404-510-9336 |

Monday, August 28, 2023

Ei Welcomes New Advisors

In 2021, Elemental Impact (Ei) Founder & CEO Holly Elmore returned to her hometown, Sarasota, Florida, after residing in Atlanta for four decades. With her move, the Ei global headquarters relocated to Sarasota, and Holly delved into local environmental initiatives. The IMPACT Magazine, Ei Moves!, chronicles Holly's move to Sarasota along with accomplishments during Ei's relocation.

Lambda Alpha International
Upon arriving in Sarasota, Holly immediately embarked on building a local Lambda Alpha International (LAI) group of At-Large members. Holly scheduled Ei- and LAI-introduction meetings with the Sarasota environmental leadership. With nearly 100% success, the environmental leaders accepted Holly's LAI At-Large-member nominations. (LAI) is a 90-years-old honorary society for the advancement of land economics.

With no current chapter in Florida, Holly established an environmental Leadership Group (LG) of At-Large LAI members; intentions are to launch a formal LAI Chapter in the future once membership expands beyond the environmental community to a broad spectrum of land economics professionals.

Ei orchestrated an impressive February 17, 2023 LAI Coastal-Water Quality: Challenges, Solutions, and Economic Impact Global Webinar. The global webinar was the second program in an eighteen-month series about water and land economics around the globe hosted by the LAI Global Water Group.

Watch the webinar recording on LAI TV to learn about Sarasota’s successful collaborative water-quality projects and programs; the Regeneration in ACTION (RiA) Magazine article, Coastal-Water Quality: Challenges, Solutions, and Economic Impact, provides an in-depth synopsis of the webinar content; panelist PPT presentations are available for download within the article copy.

The RiA article, Coastal Water Quality: land-based activity determines the quality & related economic impact, highlights the LG's impressive and varied environmental endeavors.

New Advisors
As Ei embarked on the Ei Rewilding Urban Landscapes Pilots in Holly's yard, many of the LG members joined the Ei Advisory Council to share their expertise. The RiA Magazine article, Ei Rewilding Urban Landscapes Pilot, introduces the pilots, and the Holly Elmore Images gallery series by the same name chronicles the progress.

Ei welcomes the following new advisors:

Aaron Virgin
CEO at Save Our Seabirds

For nearly two decades, Aaron has worked for national and grassroots organizations committed to natural resource protection and problem-solving through science-based policymaking decisions. During his career he has been tasked with raising financial support to build coalition groups on a host of issues, such as comprehensive funding mechanisms for land and water protection, monitoring endangered wildlife species threatened by human impacts, and habitat restoration initiatives to promote biological diversity.

Bridgett Luther
Table2Farms Founder & Visionary

Former Director of California’s Department of Conservation under Arnold Schwarzenegger; Scaled the world’s largest recycling program; Directed $1.2B US budget; Led a staff of 750 guiding years of legislative and policy decision-making
Co-Founder of the Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute; Developed the open source Cradle to Cradle Certified® Product Standard; Established ongoing multi-stakeholder refinement process; Persuaded adoption by hundreds of the world’s leading manufacturers; Made certification keystone of the Circular Economy 

Charles Reith, Ph.D
Suncoast Urban ReForesters Founder & Visionary

Charles Reith is an ecologist with experience restoring ecological productivity to distressed land and waters. His reforestation and restoration efforts have applied to deserts, wetlands, alpine, and urban circumstances where highly disturbed land required rehabilitation into lands that will harbor wildlife, prevent pollution, and provide other ecological services to the Watershed.

In greater Sarasota, his work has focused on reforesting parks and neighborhoods where turf, which is ecologically barren, can be transformed into fast-growing forest habitats using a combination of Miyawaki planting strategies and permaculture-inspired soil management.

Mary Anne Bowie, FAICP
Retired, Unitarian Universalist Church Green Team Chair

Mary Anne G. Bowie, FAICP is a third-generation Sarasotan and happy that her three children and grandchildren live in the Sarasota area. Retired as an urban planner and a Fellow of the American Institute of Certified Planners, her environmental activism continues as leader of the Green Team at the Unitarian Universalist Church and co-founder of Generating Earth Connections.  Recent efforts have included publishing a healthy soils pamphlet to raise personal awareness and responsibility regarding regeneration.   

Solutions to Avoid Red Tide Chair

Sandy is a graduate of Cornell University with a BA in economics. His career spanned thirty-five years in the publishing business with executive positions with TIME and Smithsonian Magazines where he traveled all over the world working with advertising clients on their marketing programs.

He and his wife, Emmy Lou, retired to Longboat Key in 2000 where he was Chairman of the Planning & Zoning Board, Chairman of the Public Interest Committee and a government affairs columnist for the Longboat Observer.

Ringling College of Art and Design Professor of Environmental Studies

Tim is a planetary ethicist and Professor of Environmental Studies at Ringling College of Art and Design where he teaches courses on sustainability, creating ecological cities, applied environmental design, food, water, biodiversity, and environmental ethics.

Prior to Ringling, Tim was the Curator/Director of the Nature Lab at Rhode Island School of Design. Between the two institutions he has spent over 40 years living and working at the intersection of Science and Art.

Welcome Aaron, Bridgett, Charles, Mary Anne, Sandy, and Tim to the Ei Advisory Council! Thank you for agreeing to support Ei endeavors with your industry expertise. Ei is ready to soar with new initiatives on the horizon, and your support is integral to success.


Tax-deductible donations in any amount are greatly appreciated to support Ei's important work. 


About Elemental Impact:
Elemental Impact (Ei) is a 501(c)3 non-profit founded in 2010 as the home to the Zero Waste Zones, the forerunner in the nation for the commercial collection of food waste for compost. In June 2017, Ei announced the Era of Recycling Refinement was Mission Accomplished and entered the Era of Regeneration. Current focus areas include Nature PrevailsSoil Health | Regenerative Agriculture, and Water Use | Toxicity.

The Regeneration in ACTION Magazine articles, From Organic Certification to Regenerative Agriculture to Rewilding Landscapes: an evolution towards soil integrity and SOIL & WATER: the foundation of life, published to explain and substantiate the importance of Ei’s rewilding urban landscapes work within the Nature Prevails focus area.

The Holly Elmore Images Rewilding Urban Landscapes-album folder documents two active pilots: the Native-Plant Landscape Pilot and the Backyard Permaculture-Oriented Pilot.

To work with industry leaders to create best regenerative operating practices where the entire value-chain benefits, including corporate bottom lines, communities, and the environment. Through education and collaboration, establish best practices as standard practices.

Ei’s tagline – Regeneration in ACTION – is the foundation for Ei endeavors.

The following mantra is at the core of Ei work:

Ei is a creator, an incubator.
Ei determines what could be done that is not being done and gets it done.
Ei brings the possible out of impossible.
Ei identifies pioneers and creates heroes.

For additional information, contact Holly Elmore at 404-510-9336 |

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Ei moves!

In 2021, Elemental Impact (Ei) Founder & CEO Holly Elmore returned to her hometown, Sarasota, Florida, after residing in Atlanta for 40 years, 37 years in her eclectic urban condo. Along with Holly, the Ei national and global headquarters moved to Florida.

Until the fall 2022, Holly's primary focus was caregiving for her elderly mother, and Ei slipped into the chrysalis stage of a major metamorphosis. Yet, as documented in the Ei Milestones page, Ei built a strong Sarasota environmental foundation while in the chrysalis stage.

Ei Rewilding Urban Landscapes Pilots
For the first time in her adult life, Holly moved into a home with a yard, a large yard! A primary focus in late 2021 was rewilding the yard within two pilots: 1> the front-yard native-plant landscape pilot and 2> the permaculture-oriented backyard pilot. 

The Regeneration in ACTION Magazine (RiA) article, Ei Rewilding Urban Landscapes Pilots, introduces the pilots along with the urban-wildlife and environmental impact; the Holly Elmore Images (HEI) Ei Rewilding Urban Landscapes album documents the pilots' progress in a series of photo galleries.

Native-Plant Landscape Pilot

 Five months after installation, the young native-
plant front-yard landscape is thriving.
After removing ornamental non-native plants and smothering the grass, Ei contracted with Pamela Callender of Lifelines to design and install a lovely native-plant landscape. Additionally, the impervious driveway was removed and replaced with mulch. On November 19, 2021, the two-day installation was complete and the plant nurturing began.

Graced with two oaks trees, a live oak and laurel oak, the front yard has a large oblong, shaded area. Plans are for a low deck with ample seating under the oak trees for educational and entertaining uses.

The HEI album, Ei Native-Plant-Landscape Pilot, documents the front-yard evolution through a series of photo galleries.

Backyard-Permaculture Pilot
While focused on the front-yard native-plant landscape,
the backyard was permitted to return to its "wild state" with abundant plant diversity; a variety of happy insects frolicked in the knee-high grass infiltrated with flowering plants. 

Six weeks post-Hurricane Ian the resilient
food forest recovered from the ravaging winds.
Listening to the yard's requests, Ei slowly "tamed" the backyard with mulched paths, a banana compost circle, a row of native-blueberry bushes under the roof dripline, a pollinator garden, a food forest, and a raised herb-garden area with sun protection. Once the invasive carrotwood tree was removed, the south-side yard was opened to ample sunshine and prepped for a vegetable, herb, and edible-flower garden.

Ei Supporter Zach Zildjian of Zach Zildjian Design Services (ZZ Design) oversees the backyard evolution and uses the pilot as a showcase for "what can be done" in a neighborhood scenario.

The HEI album, Ei Backyard-Permaculture Landscape Pilot, documents the backyard's evolution through a series of photo galleries.

On September 28, 2022, Hurricane Ian pummeled Florida's central Gulf Coast and caused catastrophic damage a mere 80 miles south in Ft. Myers. Sarasota experienced 85 miles-per-hour winds and receiving 5 - 15 inches of rain, depending on the specific location. The rewilding pilots were ravaged, yet overall weathered the hurricane with minimal long-term damage.

Ei supports the SURF - Suncoast Urban Reforesters - Microforests via ZZ Design mentorship and HEI photo-documentation services. ZZ Design provides the technical expertise required to design and implement microforest-soil preparation and -tree planting.

As stated on the LA Microforest site: 

Microforests (also called pocket forests, mini forests, and tiny forests) are densely-planted, multilayered indigenous forests planted in urban spaces which act as self-sustaining ecosystems that reconnect fragmented habitat and restore biodiversity.

The Miyawaki method involves the randomized planting of small saplings of various indigenous shrubs and trees (grown from local, regionally adapted seeds) in very close proximity together, where no two trees or shrubs of the same height are planted side by side.

Over 100 volunteers participated in the
Heritage Harbour Microforest planting day.
On January 18, 2023, over 100 volunteers from 5-years old to 85-years old participated in the Heritage Harbor Microforest-planting day. Due to superb underlying organization by ZZ Design, over 2,000 trees were planted on the ½-acre site in less than five hours. The HEI Heritage Harbour Microforest Planting album gives a still-photo documentary of the event.

A one-acre microforest installed on a 1 ½-acre peninsula within the Manatee River, the Colony Cove Microforest, was planted on June 13, 2022. The HEI album, Colony Cove Microforest, includes a series of galleries documenting the microforest-planting day.

The RiA article, Urban Afforestation: Food Forests and Microforests, gives an in-depth introduction to food forests and microforests along with their profound environmental and societal impact; global examples are featured.

Lambda Alpha International (LAI)
As she sits on the the LAI Global Executive Committee, 
upon arriving in Sarasota, Holly immediately embarked on building a local LAI Community of At-Large members. Holly scheduled Ei- and LAI-introduction meetings with the Sarasota environmental leadership. With nearly 100% success, the environmental leaders accepted Holly's LAI At-Large-member nominations.

Ei orchestrated an impressive February 17, 2023 LAI Coastal-Water Quality: Challenges, Solutions, and Economic Impact Global Webinar. The global webinar was the second program in an eighteen-month series about water and land economics around the globe hosted by the LAI Global Water Group.

LAI At-Large Members from Florida’s Central Gulf Coast shared on global-coastal-water challenges along with the economic impact to the local and regional communities. With a well-orchestrated plan, via the Water-Quality Playbook, community organizations execute programs designed to prevent water contamination from land use and to cleanse contaminates in the water.

The Sarasota Bay Report Card documents achievements and remaining challenging scenarios. Teamwork is required for success with support provided by local, state, and federal governments as well as the community (foundations and taxpayers.)

Panelists included:

  • David Tomasko, Ph,D, Sarasota Bay Estuary Program Executive Director
  • Jon Thaxton, Gulf Coast Community Foundation Senior Vice President Community Investment
  • Christine Johnson, Conservation Foundation of the Gulf Coast President
  • Sandy Gilbert, Solutions to Avoid Red Tide Chair 

Sarasota ROCKS when it comes to water-quality commitments; after all, the local economy and way of life depend on healthy waters!

Listen to the webinar recording on LAI TV to learn about Sarasota’s successful collaborative water-quality projects and programs; the Coastal-Water Quality: Challenges, Solutions, and Economic Impact article provides an in-depth synopsis of the webinar content; panelist PPT presentations are available for download within the article copy.

Regenerative Working Group (RWG)
Throughout Ei's chrysalis stage, the RGW Executive Team met the second Tuesday of the month via a Zoom call without missing a beat. The team expanded with new members, and several members, who met via RWG, are working together on exciting global projects.

LAI membership is a prerequisite to RWG participation.

Ei Connects
In May 2022, Holly Elmore introduced colleagues and friends Save Our Seabirds (SOS) CEO Aaron Virgin and Lifelines Founder Pam Callender. Aaron is an Ei Advisor, Rotary Club of Sarasota Bay member (via Holly's nomination,) and a RWG Executive Team member. SOS is an Ei Strategic Ally.

Pam Callender & Aaron Virgin
Funded by a Longboat Key Garden Club grant, Aaron contracted with Pam to design the transformation of an unsightly drainage ditch into a stormwater-demonstration garden. Native plants were selected for coastal properties and bird habitat. On February 28, 2023, Pam oversaw the installation of 360 plants (54 species) by volunteers and Aaron himself!

The RiA Magazine article, Ei Connections: Save our Seabirds | Lifelines, showcases the Ei Connection as well as the Lifelines drainage-ditch transformation; the Holly Elmore Images album, Save our Seabirds / Lifelines, provides a pictorial recap.

As Holly went to high school with the Director of Education at the Community Day School (CDS,) Ei facilitated several introductions to CDS regarding microforests and other educational opportunities.

With Ei well established in Sarasota, future Ei Connections are staged for common occurrences.

Local Organizations
In October 2021, Ei's member nomination was approved by the prominent Science and Environment Council (SEC) Board. While acquainting herself with Sarasota environmental leadership, Holly was advised to join and get involved in the SEC; it the backbone of Sarasota's environmental community. Membership resides with the organization, not an individual; organizations must be invited to nominate themselves.

Pre-dinner portrait at the 2023
Sarasota HomeStay Program
Sponsored by Ei Advisor Charles Reith, Holly was inducted into the Rotary Club of Sarasota Bay. With their stated environmental commitment, the Sarasota Bay Club is a SURF member and supports the microforest plantings spearheaded by Charles.

At the request of the Rotary Club leadership, Holly attended various events at the Rotary 47th Annual Sarasota District Governor-Elect (DGE) HomeStay Program; Rotary DGEs from across the globe attended the five-day event. Holly served as the official photographer. The HEI album folder, 2023 DGE Sarasota HomeStay Program, documents the events.

Speaking Engagements
As 2022 came to a close, Holly co-presented with Zach on SOIL: the foundation of life to the attentive Universal Unitarian Green Team at the request of LAI At-Large Member Mary Anne Bowie. As an encore performance, Holly shared a similar presentation in February 2023 to the ECO Democrats Manatee.

The RiA Magazine article, Soil & Water The Foundation of Life, recaps the presentation outline with more in-depth information. PPT presentations are available for download on Ei Speaking Engagement page.

With her mother situated with excellent caregiving, Holly may once again focus full-time on Ei. The chrysalis stage is complete, and Ei is ready to soar within and from a robust foundation. Publication of the 2023 Ei Spring Newsletter, the first in two years, signifies Ei's wings are dry from the cocoon and ready for flight.


Tax-deductible donations in any amount are greatly appreciated to support Ei's important work. 


About Elemental Impact:
Elemental Impact (Ei) is a 501(c)3 non-profit founded in 2010 as the home to the Zero Waste Zones, the forerunner in the nation for the commercial collection of food waste for compost. In June 2017, Ei announced the Era of Recycling Refinement was Mission Accomplished and entered the Era of Regeneration. Current focus areas include Nature PrevailsSoil Health | Regenerative Agriculture, and Water Use | Toxicity.

The Regeneration in ACTION Magazine articles, From Organic Certification to Regenerative Agriculture to Rewilding Landscapes: an evolution towards soil integrity and SOIL & WATER: the foundation of life, published to explain and substantiate the importance of Ei’s rewilding urban landscapes work within the Nature Prevails focus area.

The Holly Elmore Images Rewilding Urban Landscapes-album folder documents two active pilots: the Native-Plant Landscape Pilot and the Backyard Permaculture-Oriented Pilot.

To work with industry leaders to create best regenerative operating practices where the entire value-chain benefits, including corporate bottom lines, communities, and the environment. Through education and collaboration, establish best practices as standard practices.

Ei’s tagline – Regeneration in ACTION – is the foundation for Ei endeavors.

The following mantra is at the core of Ei work:

Ei is a creator, an incubator.
Ei determines what could be done that is not being done and gets it done.
Ei brings the possible out of impossible.
Ei identifies pioneers and creates heroes.

For additional information, contact Holly Elmore at 404-510-9336 |